
Diplom in educational science
Diplom in psychology
Person-centred therapy according to Carl Rogers
Theme-centred interaction according to Ruth Cohn, Bonn
The experience of breath according to Ilse Middendorf, Bonn
Analytical, body-oriented Gestalt therapy, Bonn
Systemic coaching with Kurt Pelzer, Aachen
Psychodynamic psychotherapy with Dr Rudolf Flamm, Bonn
Mindfulness meditation according to Ayya Khema, Allgäu
Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing with Dr Arne Hofmann, Cologne
Special psychotraumatology with Prof. Rita Rosner from the German-language society for psychotraumatology (DeGPT), Munich
Success at work with Dr Sandra Foster PhD PCC, Milan
Coaching for private and commercial clients with Dr Sandra Foster PhD PCC, Cologne
Activating resources and positive psychology with Dr Sandra Foster PhD PCC, Cologne
Process- and embodiment-focussed psychology according to Dr Michael Bohne, Hanover
The fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism, medicine and
psychiatry at the Geshe Pema Samten Tibet Centre, Schneverdingen
“I sentimenti come delusione, imbarazzo, irritazione, rancore, rabbia, gelosia e paura anzichè essere brutte notizie sono invece momenti molto chiari che ci insegnano dove ci stiamo trattenendo” Pema Chödron, SG Il mondo ti croccia addosso, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2012